Thursday, July 14, 2011

At the Precipice of the End... Go Team Voldemort!

It all ends tonight.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2.


I've got my IMAX ticket, I'm ready to stand in line.  The movie crew and I are watching The Deathly Hallows: Part 1.  I'll update later tonight with pictures from the line!

What a trip it's been.  I wish I had time right now to write a longer meditation on the past ten years of being a fan of JK Rowling's masterpiece, but I'll have to do it later.  All I can say is that as a huge Harry Potter fan, thinking about tonight is a bittersweet thing... bitter to know that after tonight there will be no more midnight movie gatherings to see Radcliffe and Co., no more midnight book releases--the last of which I attended drunk off my ass and happier than a pig in a blanket; and sweet to see the epic conclusion of such a huge part of my fanboy life.

Well, until they decide to remake the buggers.  Which will probably in like a year.


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